With summer just around the corner, your best defense against the sweltering heat in Raleigh, NC is your air conditioner. Make sure that your air conditioning system is ready to handle the demand that you will place on it in the coming summer months. The hot weather will certainly put your cooling equipment to the test and to avoid air conditioner breakdowns and failures, you must keep it properly maintained and up-to-date. Knowing whether you need a Raleigh, NC air conditioning repair or replacement might just save your entire summer.

An Air Conditioner’s Age Factor
Your air conditioning unit won’t age well like a bottle of wine. Most air conditioners are not designed to last more than roughly ten years. Older models can be very high-maintenance and are responsible for a huge portion of a home’s energy consumption. Carter Heating and Air recommends replacing your older models with newer, energy-efficient ones that are up-to-date with today’s standards and energy-saving guidelines. Replacing an aging and deteriorating AC system can have a number of benefits including increased energy efficiency (resulting in lower electric bills) and improved indoor air quality. Not to mention cutting down on repeated repairs when the temperatures begin to rise, and your unit can’t keep up.
Does Your AC System have Reoccurring Problems?
Temperature fluctuations in your home is another sign that it may be time for a Raleigh AC replacement. If some rooms in your house are cool, yet others don’t seem to stay cool, or are not getting enough air, this could be a sign of equipment that needs to be replaced. In other words, your cooling or heating equipment may have become less efficient. Problems with the duct work or insulation can also be the cause as well. Scheduling a check up to get to the bottom of the problem is the best solution. If this is a reoccurring problem, it may be that a replacement is needed.
A Well Maintained HVAC System
Having regular maintenance on your Raleigh air conditioning unit from Carter Heating and Air is the best defense against catastrophic failures of your unit just when you need it the most. Minor system repairs can be performed before they become costly malfunctions, and all the components of your system can be tightened, cleaned, lubricated and checked to make sure everything is working as it should. With this type of regular maintenance from Carter Heating and Air technicians, you will be well informed of how well your air conditioning unit is working, and when it may be time to replace it with a newer, more energy efficient model. Before the heat of the summer is here, schedule a check-up to determine if your air conditioner is ready to keep you cool all season.
Whether you decide to repair or replace, leave it to the pros from a one-stop shop company; Carter Heating and Air can handle air conditioning and furnace repair in Raleigh, NC. Call today (919) 924-0177.
(Source: Air Conditioning Equipment: Repair or Replace?, www.HouseLogic.com)